張 騰遠 チャン テンユァン
Chang Teng-Yuan

2015.7.1(wed) - 2015.7.31(fri)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday

[Exchange Program : Osaka ←→ Taipei]

協力: Galerie Grand Siècle (新苑藝術)
後援: 台北駐大阪経済文化弁事処


○ Opening Party: 2015.7.1 wed 18:00 - 無料

○ Opening Live (.es/sara solo): 2015.7.1 wed 19:00 - 無料>

○ 会期中のその他.es関連イベント/ ダブルレコ発Live: 2015.7.18 sat 19:00 -

>>「CHANG Teng-Yuan : HEX」展、特設ページはこちらから


台湾人アーティスト・張騰遠 (CHANG Teng-Yuan)によるギャラリーノマルでの日本初個展 ー

国立台湾美術館(National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts)での個展開催など、本国台湾で今後の活躍が最も期待される若手アーティストの一人、張騰遠(CHANG Teng-Yuan)。近年では活動の場を海外に広げ、さらなる注目を集めています。
今回、台湾の現代美術画廊 "Galerie Grand Siècle (新苑藝術)"とのエクスチェンジ・プログラムとして、彼の日本での初個展をギャラリーノマルにて開催いたします。


展覧会ステートメント / Artist Statement of Hex


今展では、私は自分のシリーズ作品を広く展開すると同時に、よりエモーショナルな部分に注目することに試みました。私が今回創りあげた世界では、考古学的な研究に従事するエイリアン(The Parrot Man / オウムマン)が、かつて文明が存在した世界で残された文化的な遺物を調査しています。彼らはどのように、それらを築いた人々の感情と欲望について、研究をすることが出来たのでしょう?感情は確実に存在しますが、単位で表したり実際に目で見ることは不可能です。しかし前頭前皮質を持つ我々人間は、感情をシミュレーションする装置を働かせることによって、自身または他人の感情を判断したり予測することが可能です。



Hexagon, a symbol extending from images continuously connected while keeping all balanced, not only stood for a window for unique observation, but indicated the concept of multiple linkages. In the age of big data, information is streaming and integrating under cloud computing, as billions of human beings on the globe filter the data out of varied resources corresponding to the current situation through cloud integration, to render a way of solution to the needs and scenarios in the contemporary environment. And each one of the billions is like a hexagon connecting and expanding until it weaves a giant hexagon network. As one in the hexagons, obscurely I perceived my desires digitalized bit by bit and merged with the billions’ because in the cloud era, the distinctions among real/virtual and true/false have been getting vaguer and vaguer. Therefore, Hex, the title of the solo exhibition was placed as a metaphor for the contemporary environment, and the observation window for me to investigate where we are and how humans behave.

In this exhibition, I tried to extend the context of my series works and worked on focusing further on emotional switches. In the world I created, the aliens (the Parrot Man) engaging in archeological research after the end of the world can study the cultural relics left on earth to infer the civilization once existed. However, how could they do research on the human emotions and desires that have built a world? Emotions are tangible, difficult to be seen or preserved in a visible unit; only humans with prefrontal cortexes can have emotion simulators functioned to judge the self emotion or others’ at the very moment, and predict the reaction which may probably work in response.

Therefore, the main purpose of the exhibition is to do the archaeological study on emotions by the method of questionnaire, to inquire the quantified units of emotions when people are asked to try to transform the feelings such as happy, sad or angry into visible units. The inquiring and collecting the results are like converging information in the age of bid data. In the end of the study, I will take the results as the references and fuse them into my art context.

The special cooperative work, HEX, was consisted of 117 hexagons, featuring a giant eye. The exhibiting place is in front of the entrance, so every visitor just coming in will be stared and judged by the giant eye. The mutual eye contacts between the eye and human eyes would symbolize the crossover of the virtual world in big data and the real world.

張騰遠 (CHANG Teng-Yuan)