Concert for John Russell
2022.2.5 sat Open 19:00 / Start 19:30-

出演:豊住芳三郎 Sabu Toyozumi (drums) from Tokyo
   庄子勝治 Masaharu Showji (sax) from Hiroshima
   sara (.es / piano)
料金:前売 3,000円 / 当日 3,500円
   *定員30名 / 予約制
会場:Gallery Nomart (ギャラリーノマル) >> Access

Performance: Sabu Toyozumi (drums) from Tokyo
       Masaharu Showji (sax) from Hiroshima
       sara (.es / piano)
Charge: ADV ¥3,000 / DOOR ¥3,500
    *Limited 30 / Reservation only
Venue: Gallery Nomart >> Access

2018年のJAPANツアー時は、ストーレ・リアヴィーク・ソルベルグさん (drums) と共に初にして最後のギャラリーノマル入り、.es (ドットエス: 橋本孝之&sara) と共演しました。
今回はジョンさんの朋友であり、彼を6回日本へ招聘したサブ豊住さん (drums)、同じく氏と親交が深かった庄子勝治さん (sax)、そしてジョン氏と二度の共演を果たしたsara (.es / piano) の三名が天のレジェンドへ“贈る”べく、自然体の音を放ちます。

It has been almost a year since the departure of British underground music legend John Russell.
During the 2018 Japan tour, it was the first and last time he went to Gallery Nomart with Ståle Liavik Solberg (drums), and performed with .es (Takayuki Hashimoto & sara).
This time the three musicians, Sabu Toyozumi (drums), who was John’s closest Japanese friend and has invited John to Japan for performances six times, Masaharu Showji (sax), another close friend of John’s, and sara (.es / piano), who performed with John twice, will bring the spontaneous sound as a “present" that should be delivered to the legend in heaven.

*About the COVID-19 infection prevention measures

豊住芳三郎 Sabu Toyozumi (drums) from Tokyo
1960年代、日本フリージャズの勃興時から活躍したドラマー、パーカッショニスト、二胡奏者、豊住芳三郎(通称サブ)。その活動領域は日本にとどまらない。若き日から世界を旅し、シカゴではAACM(Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians)と行動を共にし、またヨーロッパ即興シーンの猛者たちと国内外で共演を積み重ね、多数のミュージシャンと演奏、招聘にも尽力している。ジョン・ラッセル氏とは日本人でもっとも親しく、共演数が多い。2005年のLondon Mopomoso Fes= "Sabu Toyozumi Project" をはじめ4回共演。Duo演奏のCDは日本のChap Chap Records、フランス、台湾のレーベルから3枚リリース。海外Fesはベルギー、フィンランド、台湾ほかパリのクラブでも共演。

Yoshisaburo Toyozumi (commonly known as Sabu),as a drummer, percussionist, and also a player of Erhu, started his activities when free Jazz was booming in Japan. His activities are not limited in Japan. Sabu starts traveling the world when he was young, and worked with AACM (Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians) in Chicago, performed with many leading figures in the European improvisation scene both in and outside Japan, dedicating to collaborate with and invite many musicians for performances. He is the closest Japanese friend and most frequent collaborator with John Russell among Japanese. They have performed together four times, including at the London Mopomoso Fes="Sabu Toyozumi Project" in 2005, and have released three CDs of their Duo performances on Chap Chap Records in Japan, and labels in France and Taiwan. They have also performed at overseas festivals in Belgium, Finland, Taiwan, and at clubs in Paris.

庄子勝治 Masaharu Showji (sax) from Hiroshima
フリーインプロヴァイザー。1992年、ロシアにおけるインターナショナルジャズ祭にて劇的デビュー。 1994年、日本大使館主催 (在・フランス) の音と美術のコラボレーション『泥』の3日間公演は 大好評に終える。
厳島神社 (宮島) 1400 年祭のミュージカルでは 音楽部門を担当する。 ビヨンド・イノセンス、インターナショナル・シアター祭 (韓国)、マグマプロジェクト、ダライ・ラマが提唱する『聖なる音楽祭』など国内外で精力的に活動。多種多様な共演者・空間を持つアーティストである。

A free music improviser. In 1992, He made his dramatic debut at the International Jazz Festival in Russia. In 1994, the three-day performance “Doro”, which combined sound and art organized by the Japanese Embassy in France, achieved a great success.
He was in charge of the music section for 1400th Anniversary of Itsukushima Shrine (Miyajima).He has been active in and out Japan, including Beyond Innocence, The International Theater Festival (Korea), Magma Project, and the "Sacred Music Festival” proposed by the Dalai Lama. He is a multidimensional artist with a wide variety of collaborators.
Masaharu Showji performed with John Russell many times, and was invited by John for performances twice. He has stayed at John’s home for the music activities a year before John passed away.

sara ( .es / piano)
2009年、大阪の現代美術画廊「Gallery Nomart(ギャラリーノマル)」をホームに橋本孝之(alto sax, guitar, harmonica)と共にコンテンポラリー・ミュージック・ユニット.es(ドットエス)結成。現代美術ディレクター林聡がプロデュース。
結成当初より現代美術をはじめ様々な表現領域とのコラボレーションを行い、国内外にて活動を展開。国内外の音楽家達とのコラボレーションによって生まれるボーダレスな世界― “音”と“音楽”の間(ま)で交錯する感覚を表現する。2021年5月、橋本孝之永眠後も「.es」として活動を継続。

Formed in 2009, residing in Gallery Nomart, one for contemporary art, in Osaka, .es is composed of Takayuki Hashimoto (alto sax, guitar, harmonica) + sara (piano, others), a contemporary music unit, produced by Satoshi Hayashi, director of the gallery.
From the beginning, they have collaborated with artists of different fields of expression, like contemporary art, and played in and outside Japan.The two musicians perform in a borderless realm that is forged through their collaborations with musicians from all over the world who work in diverse genres, from improvisation, noise, electronic music, through to jazz, rock, and classical and contemporary music, creating the senses intertwined between ‘sound’ and ‘music’. In May 2021, sara decided to continue activities as ".es” after Takayuki Hashimoto passed away.

>> .es Website

John Russell ジョン・ラッセル (guitar)
1954年、ロンドン生まれのギタリスト。11歳の時、祖父から最初のギターを与えられる。10代の頃からリトル・シアター、ロニー・スコッツ、 ICAなどを拠点とした初期のフリー・インプロヴィゼーションの現場に足を踏み入れ、若干20歳にしてデレク・ベイリー、エヴァン・ パーカーらの運営するレーベル『Incus』から最初の参加作をリリース。当時よりロンドンのアンダーグランドな即興音楽シーンを支えてきた一人であり、1991年より、英国で最もロングランを続けている即興演奏の月例コンサート『Mopomoso』を主宰。 2001年にドイツのサックス奏者シュテファン・コイネを伴い初来日。その後も豊住芳三郎らの招聘により数度の日本ツアーを行い、 日本の即興音楽シーンにおいても広くその名が知られている。2021年1月18日永眠。

A guitarist born in London, 1954. At the age of 11, his grandfather gave his first guitar. Since his teenage years, he started the activities in the early free improvisation scene based at Little Theater, Ronnie Scott’s, ICA, etc. When he was just in his 20s, he released his first participating work at the label “Incus”, which was running by Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, etc. He has been one of the main supporters of the British underground music since then, and since 1991, he has been the organizer of “Mopomoso”, the longest running monthly improvisation concert in British. In 2001, he had his first visit to Japan accompanied with the German saxophonist Stefan Keune. Since then, John Russell toured Japan several times at invitation of Sabu Toyozumi and was widely known in Japanese improvised music scene. Mr.John passed away on Jan 18, 2021.

John Russell & Sabu Toyozumi
Memorial Movie

Selected Discography

無為自然 Empty Spontaneity
Sabu Toyozumi & John Russell
label: Chap Chap Records

交際 - 友情 Kosai-Yujo
Sabu Toyozumi & Friends
label: Improvising Beings

「追悼 ジョン・ラッセル」Text by Takeo Suetomi 末冨健夫(Chap Chap Recordsオーナー)

名和 晃平 Kohei Nawa: Esquisse
2022.1.29 sat - 2022.2.19 sat
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊

The performance will be held at the venue of Kohei Nawa’s solo exhibition in Gallery Nomart from Jan 29, 2022.
Kohei Nawa: Esquisse
2022.1.29 (sat) - 2022.2.19 (sat)
13:00 - 19:00 closed on Sunday and National Holidays.

>> Exhibition

お電話 (Gallery Nomart:06-6964-2323)からご予約くださいませ。
If you would like to make a reservation, please fill out the reservation form below or make a phone call directly.
(Gallery Nomart:06-6964-2323)

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【Live】2021.2.5 sat Gallery Nomart

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