Let's Go on a Trip!

大岩 オスカール
Oscar Oiwa

2021.2.20(sat) - 2021.3.27(sat)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday

"Times Square, New York / タイムズ・スクエア、ニューヨーク" silkscreen on BFK Rives, 57 x 76.5 cm, 2020


大岩 オスカール、ギャラリーノマルでの初個展&新作版画シリーズ出版

隱遁生活の中で彼が綴った空想の旅は「Quarantine(*) Drawing Series」として2020年3月~6月の間に20枚が描かれました。

「Quarantine Drawing Series」はコンピュータを使って描かれたデジタルデータですが、アーティストの空想の旅を、全世界の人と分かち合う手段としてシルクスクリーンによる版画作品に刻印することにしました。




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僕が普段通りのクリエイティブマインドでいられるために何ができるか、それもマンハッタンのマンションに籠ったままでできることを考えた。幸い僕は自分が感じたことを作品化できるスキルを神様から授かっている。この力を使ってドローイングのシリーズを始め、隔離生活の真っ只中の、空想の旅を思いついた。その結果がこの日記風の作品で、過去のこと、現在の生活、そして未来について考えたことを綴っている。(2020年 春)

大岩 オスカール Oscar Oiwa


Now that we are in the midst of a pandemic that is common throughout the world, what is the mission of artists, galleries, and production studios?
Oscar Oiwa holds his first solo exhibition at Gallery Nomart & publishes a new print series.

The whole world is hit by COVID-19 in 2020.
Since all the projects and exhibitions are postponed, Oscar Oiwa was isolated in his apartment located in Manhattam, thinking about what he could do in this situation.
“I’m blessed by god to be born with the capacity of turning my feelings into artworks“
During the secluding life,《Quarantine Drawing Series》, which includes 20 pieces of drawings describing a imaginary trip, was composed between March and June, 2020.

A series of prints to share the artist's imaginary trip with the whole world
Hayashi Satoshi, the director of Gallery Nomart, who built a relationship with Oscar Oiwa, soon decided to publish these drawings as prints. Even though《Quarantine Drawing Series》is a digital work because it was drew on computer, the reason that we decided to print it is hoping Oiwa’ s imaginary trip would be a way of sharing with people around the world.

The first solo exhibition at Nomat will be an exhibition of new prints and tableau
Born in São Paulo and moving to Tokyo and New York, Oiwa continues his creative activities, and has likened his own life to a journey. His works, including social satire and narrative born from multiple cultural perspectives, have received a great deal of worldwide attention.
In addition to this series, we are planning to exhibit Olympic-themed tableau works at this exhibition.

Please take this opportunity to take a look at the many works drawn by Oiwa's free imagination.


Let´s go on a trip!

Suddenly, life has changed. I have stopped taking the subway, going to my studio, walking around the city, seeing movies at the theater, and meeting up with my friends. I spend my days in quarantine, going outside only to shop for food or to get a little fresh air.

Projects and trips have all been postponed. The city has become the new epicenter of the pandemic and life has been made more difficult for all of its inhabitants. Many people have lost their jobs and are getting desperate about paying bills. News from the world outside is far from encouraging. Entire countries have closed their borders. The US presidential response in itself has been a disaster.

I think about what I can do to remain as mentally creative as usual while stuck in my Manhattan apartment. God gave me the gift of transforming feelings into visual art. And using this power, I have started to make a new series of drawings: an imaginary trip in the midst of life under quarantine. The result is like a diary of insights about my past, my present daily life, and the future. (Spring 2020)

Oscar Oiwa