見えない時間 / Niewidzialny czas
Unseen Time / Niewidzialny czas

東影 智裕
Tomohiro Higashikage

2021.11.27(sat) - 2021.12.25(sat)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday

cooperation : The Tokyu Foundation

>> COVID-19感染予防対策について / About COVID-19 infection prevention measures

■ Related Events : Performance "見えない時間"
2021.12.18 sat, open 19:00 / start 19:30 -
performance:針山愛美 Emi Hariyama バレエダンサー / sara (.es) ピアニスト
charge:¥2,000. *予約制(定員15名)By reservation only (Capacity of 15)
>> イベント詳細



ウサギやウシといった動物の頭部のようなものをモチーフにした彫刻作品で知られる現代美術家 東影智裕。緻密な毛並みに覆われた精巧な作品群は一見すると写実的ですが、自身の記憶をたぐり寄せて形成される姿形はどこか不思議な違和感と余韻を残します。



なお、展覧会会期中には、特別ゲストにバレエダンサーの針山愛美氏を迎え、sara(.es / ピアノ)とのライブ・パフォーマンスの開催を予定しています。

The first solo exhibition at Gallery Nomart for the first time in three years
The exhibition in commemoration of returning from Poland, touring Tokyo and Osaka.

Contemporary artistTomohiro Higashikage is know for his sculptures taking the animal head-like motifs, such as rabbit and cow. Covered with elaborated fur, the works appear realistic at first glance, but the shape of the figures, formed from the memories of the artist himself, leave a sense of strange and lingering impressions.

Having “life and death” as the underlying theme, Higashikage’s works have a resolute presence while blurring the boundary between two conflicting elements, and they stand quietly in the space with the co-existence of reality and imagination. It is also the co-existence of life and death. He is also experimenting with a more abstract approach in recent years, focusing on the the breeding hair with indication of life.

For receiving the 27th Gotoh Memorial Culture prize , Higashikage has stayed in Krakow, the ancient capital of Poland, for one year from early spring 2017 as an overseas training program. What impressed Higashikage the most during his stay in Krakow was the beauty of light and shadow overflowing the historic streets.
In this exhibition, he recomposed the works created and presented for his solo exhibition in Tokyo held in September and October of this years to commemorate his return from Poland, and you can enjoy a viewing experience unique to the space of Gallery Nomart.

In addition, during the exhibition, we are going to have ballet dancer Emi Hariyama as our invited guest for the collaborative performance with sara(.es/ piano player) .
After the special solo exhibition presented in Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art and the solo exhibition in Tokyo commemorating his return from overseas training program, both of which have received the high attention, Please looking forward to this exhibition that summarized the yeas of 2021 of Higashikage, whose future activities are well worth waiting.








Many people ask me what I mean by “Unseen time”?. Most of the world is made up of unseen time, just as in Japan and Poland, people live in places that can be seen if they are on one side or the other, and time passes away differently. I titled the exhibition “ Unseen Time” because I feel that we can literally perceive the works when they are independent from artists, and in the time that is unseen from artists’(my) perspectives.

The works were created during the year 2017-2018, as the results presentation of the experience traveling to Koakow, Poland for receiving the Gotoh Memorial Culture Award, and assumed to be presented in the space where the sculpture master Hirakushi Denchu used it as his atelier.

Though the time is invisible, I expect the exhibition presented in the atelier of Hirakushi Denchu’ s former residence allows audience to feel the time through the subtle changes of shadow over the time, so I named the exhibition “Unseen Time”.

And this time, the exhibition was moved from the atelier of Hirakushi Denchu’ s former residence in Tokyo to Gallery Nomart in Osaka.
In the two places, one was the atelier and also the residence in which Hirakushi Denchu once conducted his experiments of art, and the other, Gallery Nomart, which is also a place for the experiments of art constructed in the shape of a modernistic white cube, the time must be independent of one and another since their different location, history and elapse. The works accumulate the ”Unseen time" of the two different places and crave out new time, which is never lasting and will come to an end one day, too.

Tomohiro Higashikage