山田 千尋
Chihiro Yamada
2022.2.26(sat) - 2022.3.26(sat)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday
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■ Related Events : Closing Live "BABY"
2022.3.26 sat, open 19:00 / start 19:30 -
charge:前売¥2,500. / 当日¥3,000. *予約制 By reservation only
出演:山本精一 Seiichi Yamamoto / sara (.es)
>> イベント詳細
山田千尋 Chihiro Yamada
ーA young promising artist — Chihiro Yamada’s second solo exhibition at Gallery Nomart since last year.
Expressing the process of how an image being built in various ways.
Since graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Oil Painting in 2016, Chihiro Yamada has continued to explore and develop her own unique style of painting.
After participating in the group exhibition of four young artist held at Gallery Nomart in the spring of 2020, 2021 was a year to prove her potential as an artist for the future. In addition to having the first solo exhibition at Gallery Nomart and making her first print work, she has also presented her works on Kyoto Art for Tomorrow and on the exhibition organized by art collectors as a selected artist.
Chihiro Yamada’s paintings are featured by the eye-catching colors, the brushstrokes creating the light layers and bringing out unique quality, and her obsession with the unusual and distorted motifs coming from the photos on SNS. The elaborate paintings are reflecting her unbiased perspectives of understanding things from all sides, and she raises them up to something irreplaceable.
In the exhibition titled “BABY” this time, each group of the oil paintings having various size but a identical motif will be displayed on different walls respectively. Seeing the woks having the same motifs but decorated with different brushstrokes and colors, not only to present a variety of ways of seeing and feeling, but to explore the uniqueness of painting which is equal to what painting really is.
Please pay attention to the exhibition by Chihiro Yamada, a young artist who is expected to play an active role in the future.