
張 騰遠 チャン テンユァン
Chang Teng-Yuan

2022.11.5(sat) - 2022.12.3(sat)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday

>> COVID-19感染予防対策について / About COVID-19 infection prevention measures

■ 初日音楽ライブ:Multiplication
  2022.11.5 sat, open 19:30 / start 19:45 -
  charge:adv. ¥3,000. / door ¥3,500. *予約制 By reservation only
  act: 山本精一 Guiter, Wamei(Sarry821) Hurdy gurdy / Synthesizer, sara(.es) Piano
 *Special guest: Parrotmans

>> イベント詳細


city gallery 2320 (神戸)
citygallery2320 コレクションと新作版画
2022.11.6 sun - 11.22 tue [会期延長] (水・木・金休廊)
12:00 - 19:00 (11.21と11.22のみ18:00閉廊)


国際的な注目を集めるChang Teng-Yuanノマル5度目の個展

国立台湾美術館での個展や台湾ビエンナーレへの選出など、着実にフィールドを広げ国際的な注目を獲得しつつある台湾人若手アーティスト張騰遠(Chang Teng-Yuan)。近年では活動の場をヨーロッパにも広げ、さらなる飛躍が期待されています。

Chang作品に登場するキャラクター「パロットマン(Parrot Man)」は、人類滅亡後の未来の地球で、遺跡となった文明を調査するエイリアンであり、人間の模倣は出来ても、感情や意味までは理解出来ないオウム達です。遠い未来から現代の人間を研究するパロットマンたちの行動を鑑賞する時、我々は俯瞰的に現代社会について再考することになります。
前回2021年の個展「NEW NORMAL」では、コロナ渦で隔離されたパロットマンたちが、ひとりの時間を過ごす様子を大量に見せることで、孤独が生み出す社会との繋がりを提示しました。



[Artist Statement]



1、ある時期、人間の間で流行っていた風変わりな服があった。最初は無地だった鼻と口を覆うデザインの布地は、後に独自の模様をプリントするようになった。一部の人間は、白いツナギを着るのを好んで、他の人間に栄養剤を吹きかけていた。 しかし、このトレンドは数年で衰退してしまった。
2、花火は人類社会の伝統であり、数十年に一度、盛大な花火大会が開催される。 花火が上がる場所は定かではない。文献によると、ある時はアジアで、ある時はヨーロッパで、場所を特定する方法はまだ解明されていないが、あるパターンを観察することは可能である。というのは、花火は自分の居場所ではなく他のところへ打ち上げることを好まれる。それはおそらく、隣人と楽しみを共有するためだろう。やはり花火は魅力的でまぶしく、多くの人間が魅了されるのだ。
3、人間社会で「移動しない」ことが流行っている時期があった。 かつては飛行機で大陸を行き来していたが、ある年を境に、同じ場所に留まることが流行するようになった。大陸間の往来をやめた人類もいれば、自分の居住区外へ行かなくなった人類も、単に自分の家に引きこもる人類もいる。その原因を探るため、その年の太陽と地球の関係を調査しているところだ。

NOMARTでの発表では、毎回「パロットマンの活動の進捗報告」という観点から、展覧会の全体構成をイメージしています。 ここ数年、疫病や戦争などで世界的に生活リズムが大きく変化し、その間にも、私たちは必死に適応・調節することで、少しずつ自分たちの生活ペースを整えてきたのだと思います。 袋の中でぐちゃぐちゃになったケーブルを、ゆっくりとまっすぐな状態に戻していくと、突然すべてが変わったのだと気付くような感じでした。
2022年の年末に、この2、3年間で自分がどう感じていたかをゆっくり整理したところ、この感覚こそがマルチプリケーションだったのです。 このカオスの時代に、あらゆるもののぶつかり合いにより、物事の個体の増殖とそれによる変化の意味を含めたマルチプリケーションが生じ、やがて想像を超えた世界が出現するのです。

チャン テンユァン Chang Teng-Yuan


Chang Teng-Yuan, the artist who is receiving international attention, will hold his fifth solo exhibition of Gallery Nomart.
The wall paintings, the prints, and the soft vinyl art toys, an proliferating, ever-changing, and overwhelming world of parrotman !

By holding the solo exhibition at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and participated Taiwan Biennial as one of the selected artists, Chang Teng-Yuan is a Taiwanese young artist who is steadily expanding his field of creation and receiving the international attention. In recent years, he has expanded his activities to Europe and is expected to make further progress in the future.

Parrotman, the character in Chang’s works, is a group of aliens doing the research of remains and the civilization of human being after the end of the world of the future. Though they are able to imitate human behaviors, it is hard for them to understand the real emotions and meanings behind. Looking at the actions of these parrotmen studying contemporary human from the distant future, it allowed us to reconsider about contemporary society at an overview perspective.
In the last exhibition “NEW NORMAL” held in 2021, due to the affect of COVID-19, the parrotmen has been in quarantine like human. Chang made a number of works to show the quarantine life of parrotmen to implicit the connection between individual and the society that generates the sense of loneliness.

Gallery Nomart and Chang have been presenting works through many collaborations. The title of the exhibition this time, which was proposed by Gallery Nomart, is “Multiplication”. On Chang’s first visit to Japan in four years, Chang will attempt a giant wall painting that pays homage to art history, and the work will be further developed as a number of prints.The investigator, the parrotmen themselves, will appear as a large number of soft vinyl dolls, creating a spectacular space.
Borrowing the perspective of the parrotman, Chang has been asking audiences to reconsider conventional ideas, and now, in 2022, he depicts an ongoing chaos. Please take this opportunity to experience it for yourself.


[Artist Statement]


鸚鵡人藉由模仿人類的行為,試著了解人類文明裡各種行為,也將所得到的結果,紀錄成檔案,除 了交代給往後的文明,也作為在末日地球培育新物種的基礎資料。


每一次在NOMART的發表,我都是以『報告鸚鵡人的進度』為主軸去想像展覽的整體架構。過去幾年,全世界因為疫情和戰爭的影響,生活節奏大幅度改變,這段期間,我們努力地適應、調節,最 後再慢慢地梳理出自己的生活步調。這過程就像是把放在包包裡被攪亂的電線,慢慢地整理回原本 的一條直線,而就在回歸節奏之後,卻驟然發現一切也變得與以往不一樣。
鸚鵡人的進度,其實也就是我對現實世界的感受,在2022年底,我慢慢整理出這兩三年我對世界的 感受,而這感受就是聯乘。在這段混亂時期,所有東⻄因碰撞而產生聯乘,最後爆發出一個超乎想 像的世界。




Like the protagonists in other fictions, parrotmen came to the doomsday earth with a purpose: to figure out how human civilization perished.
By imitating human behavior, the parrotmen tried to understand various behaviors of human, and documented the result not only for explaining for the next civilization, but also took it as the basis for cultivating new species on doomsday earth.

I would like to introduce a several excerpts of a doomsday earth research report by a team of parrotmen called“Everywhere”:
1.In a certain age, a strange kind of clothes was very popular among humans. The design was basically with a piece of cloth material covered nose and mouth, and it was without any color at first, but gradually humans started to print many different pattern on it. Some humans liked putting on an overalls covered their entire bodies, and spraying nutrients on other humans. Though the trend seems not last. It receded after a few human years.
2.It is a human tradition to set off fireworks. Every decades of human years, there would be a great firework ceremony. The locations of the ceremony were different every time. According to the documents, sometimes it will be in asia, and sometimes in Europe. The team has not yet worked out how to determine the location of the fireworks, but it has been observed that humans liked to shoot them elsewhere. Perhaps they wanted to share the joy the fireworks brought with their neighbours. After all, fireworks are fascinating , bright, and many humans were attracted by them.
3.There was a time when it was popular for humans to ”Do not move” .They used to take flights went and came between different continents, but after a certain year, it became popular to stay in the same place and not move. Some humans stoped traveling between continents, some of them did not travel to their own residence, and some even just stayed at home without going anywhere. The research team is now working on finding out whether it is associated with the relationship between the sun and the earth in that year.
Small conclusion: The reason for human behavior seems to be more difficult to understand than the Milky Way, after all, humans are creatures manipulated by emotions.

I consider the outline of every exhibition at Gallery Nomart revolved around the “ activities progress report of parrotmen”. In the past few years, our life has changed dramatically due to the pandemic and the war. During this period, we tried hard to adapt and adjust, and then slowly sorted out our own pace of life. This process is like putting the wires in a bag that have been messed up back into a straight line.Just as soon as the pace of our life returns, it suddenly becomes clear that nothing is the same as before.
This progress that parrotmen is undergoing, is exactly how I feel about the real world.At the end of 2022, I slowly sorted out my feeling in the past two or three years, and the feeling is embodied by the word “multiplication". In this period of chaos, all things collide and interconnect, and it eventually a world beyond imagination emerges.

Chang Teng-Yuan