○ Opening "Remote" Event
2021.1.16 sat, 18:00 - 19:00
参加無料 Charge Free
○ 最終日 関連イベント Closing Live "NEW NORMAL"
2021.2.13 sat, open 19:00 / start 19:30 -
charge:¥2,000. *予約制 (定員10名) By reservation only (Capacity of 10)
performer:.es (ドットエス: 橋本孝之 Takayuki Hashimoto & sara)
>> COVID-19感染予防対策について / About COVID-19 infection prevention measures
開催延期、Web Exhibition「Human Being: COVID-19」(*)を経て、Chang Teng-Yuan2年半振りの個展開催
国立台湾美術館での個展 (2013年) や台北ビエンナーレへの選出 (2016年) など、着実にフィールドを広げ、国際的な注目を獲得しつつある台湾人アーティストChang Teng-Yuan。
2020年春にノマルで予定していた作家3度目の個展は新型コロナウィルスの影響で延期に。その代替企画として、5月にオンラインで発信したWeb Exhibition「Human Being: COVID-19」を経て、ようやく開催される個展が「NEW NORMAL」です。
NEW NORMALとは、アフターコロナの社会において、生活様式とそれに伴う価値観の変容を指すキーワードです。2つの展覧会タイトルが示すように、Changは今回のパンデミックに自らも影響を受けながら、積極的にこの問題を取り上げてきました。
Chang作品に登場するキャラクター「パロットマン(Parrot Man)」は、人類滅亡後の未来の地球で、遺跡となった文明を調査するエイリアンであり、人間の模倣は出来ても、感情や意味までは理解出来ないオウム達です。遠い未来から現代の人間社会を研究するパロットマンたちの行動を鑑賞する時、我々は俯瞰的に現代社会について再考することになります。
今展では、パラレルワールドの地球を舞台に、パンデミック後の時間経過を5つの色で表現。作家の仮想するアフターコロナの世界が、約50枚のドローイングポスターや変形キャンバスなどに描かれます。また、Web限定での公開だった「Human Being: COVID-19」の作品も同時に展示いたします。
パンデミック後の未来を生きる我々にChangが提示する「NEW NORMAL」の世界、ぜひご期待ください。
Web Exhibition『Human Being: COVID-19』at Gallery Nomart, 2020
Changの作品に登場するパロットマン(Parrot Man)は、終末の地球で人類に何が起こったかを調査、発掘し、模倣するというキャラクターです。
今回のシリーズ「NEW NORMAL」では、コロナ禍の検疫期間中の行動を、これまでにないシンプルな線と色で表現したいと彼は考えました。
Parallel universe – パンデミック後の世界
終末の地球にいるパロットマン(Parrot Man)の物語は、まるで休みのない連載コミックのように、時空の変化によって筋が変わっていく。一方、それは私たちのいる世界と並行したもう一つの世界のような存在である。そのパラレルワールドでは、パロットマンは考古学を通して人類の歴史を洞察すると同時に、彼らの選択を模倣することで、人類が滅亡を迎えた原因を明らかにしていく。
このような異なる時間軸を色で提示する手法を通して、観客が自らイメージの点と点を結び、新たな物語を描く主体性に期待したい。今回の展示は2020年5月にWeb上で行った記録展示「Human Being: COVID-19」と呼応すると同時に、観客は自ら「パンデミック後の世界」を想像できる場として考えれば良いのではないかと思う。
張騰遠 Chang Teng-Yuan
The parallel world after pandemic presented in five colors.
After the postponement and web exhibition ”Human Being: COVID-19", Chang Teng-Yuan hold his solo exhibition for the first time in two and half years.
With all the credit such as a solo exhibition in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in 2013 and selection for the Taipei Biennial in 2016, Chang Teng-Yuan is a Taiwanese artist who is steadily expanding his creative vision and gaining international attention.
His third solo exhibition planed for Spring 2020 in Gallery Nomart has been postponed due to the influence of coronavirus. After Web Exhibition “Human Being: COVID-19” released online in May 2020 that worked as an alternative project, the solo exhibition “NEW NOMRAL” is finally coming.
NEW NOMRAL is a keyword referring to lifestyle and values changes occurring with it in after-corona society.
As the two titles show clearly, while being affected by the pandemic, Chang has been actively paying attention to this issue.
The character “parrotman” that appears in Chang’s work is an alien who investigates the human civilization that became the ruins on the future earth after the destruction of humans.It is a kind of creature that can imitate human behaviors but without knowing any exact meanings or emotion. Looking at the actions of parrotmen study the modern society from distant future gives us an opportunity to rethink modern society from a bird's-eye view.
In this exhibition, the passage of time after the pandemic are expressed in five different colors on the parallel world of earth. Artist’s imagery world after epidemic has transformed into fifty painted posters and deformed canvas works. At the same time, “Human Being: COVID-19”that were only available on the web will also be exhibited this time.
Please look forward to the world of “NEW NOMRAL” that Chang presents to us living in the future of pandemic.
Parallel universe – The world after COVID-19
The story of parrot man on the doomsday earth is like a comic that continuously serialized and the story line will change with different space and time conditions. on the other hand, it is actually like another parallel world that parallels to the world we live in. In the parallel world, parrot men are trying to know the histories of human by engaging with archaeological studies, and finger out the cause of the end of the earth by imitating human choices and behaviors.
The world after pandemic is an open scenario, and first of all, I can’t help but imagine how humans are going to look like after epidemic. As humans are making vaccines rapidly,the human beings who are injected start to undergo strange changes.
In this solo exhibition, I use five different colors trying to present different period of time. The works have my imagination of post-pandemic world, the appearance of new humans,the state of new humans affected by the vaccine,scenery of the world after pandemic,or the relationship between the new humans and the rest of the world after epidemic. They do not have an absolute relationship and sequence. They are completely open imaginations.
Using the theme of Multiverse to present post-pandemic world is because I believe it is an approach to create an expression that is both real and illusory. The parallel world is the one that exists in abstract world while the world post-epidemic world is the near future we are about to face.Which of the two is more illusory and which is more real?Sometimes I can’t tell.
Therefore,I hope that the presentation of different period of time in different color will create a point-to-point feelings , so that audience can connect the story themselves.In addition to echoing the documentary exhibition "Human Being: COVID-19" in May 2020, this exhibition also provides a spot for viewers to imagine their own post-pandemic world.
Chang Teng-Yuan
平行宇宙 – 疫後世界
因此,我希望藉由此次區塊區分的呈現方式,有一種點對點的感覺,讓觀者自己去連結其前後的順序,除了呼應2020年5月的記錄性展覽『Human Being: COVID-19』,也提供一個平台,讓觀者去想像屬於自己的疫後世界。