流れること / 留めること
Streaming / Staying
今村 源
Hajime Imamura
2021.6.5(sat) - 2021.7.3(sat)
13:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sunday and National Holiday
[展示風景] Streaming / Staying / 流れること / 留めること(動画)
Streaming / Staying - kinoko I / 流れること / 留めること - キノコ I(動画)
Streaming / Staying - shika / 流れること / 留めること - シカ(動画)
Streaming / Staying - shida / 流れること / 留めること - シダ(動画)
○ 最終日 関連イベント .es(ドットエス) Closing Live "流れること / 留めること"
2021.7.3 sat, open 19:00 / start 19:30 -
charge:¥2,000 予約制
出演:sara(.es, Piano)/ 内田静男 Shizuo Uchida(Bass)
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>> COVID-19感染予防対策について / About COVID-19 infection prevention measures
作品と空間全体が1つにつながり響きあう ー
Works and the entire space are connected and resonate together as one ―
With the countless works, the moment of time streams away slowly.
Add a little opening to those ordinary things that we don’t normally pay attention to, revers them up and down or turn them inside out. Many of the works might be perceived humorously at the first glance, but when you face them quietly, their light and transparent images take a turn to a profound world integrated everydayness unfolding before your eyes.
Starting his creative activity in the early 1980s with his unique philosophy and gaining attention and support from various fields, Hajime Imamura, is now one of the representative contemporary artists in Japan. He is going to hold the solo exhibition at Gallery Nomart for the first time in four years since 2017.
An experimental exhibition space making audience move with the work that is between passive and active.
Hajime Imamura has long been interested in the state of balance between motion and stillness, and has used motifs such as “Spinning top(Koma)”,”Pendulum(Huriko)” as motifs. Rather than being an antithesis to a fixed concept ((Like hard and strong sculptures or common sense taken for granted.), it is more like a attempt to release himself from the ego that encompasses such concept. which has been the theme of his creation for a very long time.
On this exhibition, a large amount of flatten shaped sculptures of creatures formed by the grey-colored wired were connected together with a thread, and they will spinning around here and there on the huge wall of the gallery. Revolving around this unique installation, the artist will also be exhibiting his first video work. In addition, the new print series which originates from the theme of the exhibition and uses the sculptures of the installation is now producing in parallel.
Artist Statement :
Streaming and staying
When I was in elementary school, I had a dog and we often went for a walk.We came back home after I was dragged around too much for a child’s strength. Afterwards we both got thirsty, so I gave it some water. I remember that scene. The dog put its tongue into the bowl of water and drank it, moving it frantically as if it was trying to roll the water down to the throat. Nonetheless more than half of the water flowed off from its tongue and it could just pour a little of entangled water over and over again into its mouth. It was a frustratingly inefficient process. I can gulp down the water with a cup. I wondered that when the first time humans stored water in the hollows of their hands and drank it. It may have been as far as the time when we couldn’t even call ourselves human. It could have been possible to drink directly from the mouth, but it must been a great pleasure to hold the flowing water in the palms of one’s hand and drink it all at once. What will happen must have been more astounding to make a bowl to hold the flowing water. The desire to keep things going to stream away may have started in this way and grew. It seems that the desire to preserve things such as food and shelter has been growing in parallel with the process that people are established as people.
If we look at sculpture, the process of creation is still to chase the dynamic images and struggle to keep them. Like water that seems to be momentarily stored in the palm of one’s hand, the never- ending effort and keenness to pursue the momentary pleasure continues in this process. However, it seems that it is time to let it stream away. But making it stay is harder to resist.
Hajime Imamura